Pope Francis in his Lenten message 2024, has urged Catholics to "rethink their lifestyles" and make choices that are "counter-current." Following the natural process of order-disorder-reorder, they are called for a radical renewal and make changes in their “habits of consumption” for the good of society. They are called to “do just this”: make one’s presence felt in society by concretely “contributing to its betterment"; an active presence that is "capable of altering the daily lives of individuals and entire neighbourhoods" and changing "the way we acquire goods, care for creation, and strive to include those who go unseen or are looked down upon." Going against the existing ‘societal current’ is to see the world being “in a process of giving birth” and not dying; being “at the beginning of a great new chapter of history". It is all about working for unity by fighting against a “model of growth that divides and robs us of a future." We are called to "liberate" ourselves from the imminent and current forms of enslavements; from the "the darkness of inequality and conflict." Therefore, for the to-be counter-current Christians: "It is time to act."
Contrary to the prevalent trend of people seeking
comfort and wellness, a desert-experience is a counter-current move, that truly
can lead to freedom. It helps to hear God’s voice who says: “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of
slavery” (Ex 20:2). Metanoia, understood as a total radical change
(renewal, paradigm shift), is that counter-current move to conversion, –
reordering the disordered self and society. Such desert journey is a demanding
one. Concretely speaking, counter-current move requires a keen observation of
the reality, and not to be swayed by emotive attachment of the status quo
or the past. One has to avoid certain compromises with the present. It is a deliberate combat to
counter all that corrupts the self and the society. It can be a ‘silent cry’ raised to move one’s own heart and that
of others like Christ through the ‘cross of contradiction’. Precisely, one has
to give up the ‘nostalgia’ for the
past and change the present state of being.
rediscovering the synodal journey, says Pope Francis, a true
Christian will stop by the side of a needy neighbour and act like the Good
Samaritan, through community decisions that are counter-current, going against
the odd behaviour of today’s ‘priests’ and ‘Levites’. It calls for courage,
daring to go against the ‘current’. In this context, prayer entails a “pause” to rethink how one
can meet the needs of the needy individual and the community on the whole.
To take concrete action amidst struggles in going counter-current, it requires
courage to do so. Yet, it has to be out of freedom to counter a “globalization
of indifference”; to get out of the enslaving grip of modern ‘Pharaohs’. It
demands a 40-days of desert experience to overcame temptations of ‘flowing’
with the current. Only a counter-current personal decision can make one mature by
freeing oneself from the shackles of
past slavery. Finding a new criterion of social justice for the community “in the presence of a wounded
brother or sister,” is a new way of pressing “forward on a road not yet taken.” It
is to realize with new creative energies
that “Love of God and love of neighbour are one love." It means taking risks in being sensitive to
one’s neighbours as “companions and fellow travellers.”
The deepest hunger for God is met when the disciple engages with extra prayers, almsgiving and sacrifices (Mt 9:14–15) to uplift the poor and the needy by depriving the self of food and wealth. To access that true hunger, he/she desires it with discipline, and not allow the superficial hunger of lives to dominate. A counter-current life brings with it a newness in life-style, distinct from the existing culture of the day. He/she lives with new insights and inspirations; a set of practical ideas, and Christ-centric vision of things. The radical newness expressed through a counter-current path, embodies Christ’s presence and his transformative work. When a counter-current-person who feeds the hungry and serves the stranger, he/she hears Jesus confirming: “You did it to me.” The “mutuality of our love for God and neighbor” is personified in him/her. This is a radical commitment to love our fellow human beings. The sources of his/her spirituality and mission are different from others.
In contrast to the normal flow of things, one follows the opposite direction, to show life’s true meaning of existence. What is needed, therefore, is a return to the original life that God has created us for, through a counter climate of change in contrast to the recent flourished post-modern culture. He/she, therefore, accepts being contradicted, misjudged and falsely accused. It is a path of diminished “self-love and pride” through suffering. To be bread broken and shared with the poor, the ‘wheat’ of self must be threshed, winnowed, ground and baked before being given. S/he then has to fast, forego, forgive, and repent in order to be reconciled and be filled with Spirit’s fire. It is one of blocking the social evil, and move the God’s way, by unleashing the flow of God’s life. One resents evil, by following the cross of contradiction, on which the innocent Jesus was unjustly nailed. But like Jesus, s/he forgives the enemies.