Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Divine Grace of Hospitality in Religious Houses


Hospitality shown towards all in Christian Religious Houses is a spiritual act of devotion. It is a virtue extolled by many faiths, a sacred act that transcends mere social courtesy to become a profound expression of divine love and human solidarity. In Christian Religious Houses, this spiritual act of devotion manifests through the simple yet significant offering of a meal to all who enter—be they poor or affluent, beggar or businessman.

A Sacred Tradition

Hospitality in Christian religious houses is deeply rooted in the teachings of the Bible. Scriptures such as Hebrews 13:2, which advises, "Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing so some have entertained angels without knowing it," underscore the spiritual significance of welcoming others. This tradition can be traced back to the early Christian communities, where the faithful gathered in homes to break bread and share their lives with one another. This practice was not only a means of fostering community but also an expression of their commitment to living out the teachings of Christ, who himself often dined with sinners and outcasts, demonstrating that divine grace extends to all.

My personal experiences at the Ramakrishna Monastery (MAT) have left an indelible impression on me. There, as noon approaches, all are invited to partake in a midday meal. This simple vegetarian meal is more than sustenance; it is a sign of solidarity, hospitality, and human empathy. Similarly, the Langar offered by Sikhs to the public is not just an act of feeding; it is an outpouring of love and kindness towards humanity. It represents selfless service devoid of self-centered ego.

An Act of Divine Love

In the context of a religious house, hospitality becomes an act of divine love. By opening their doors to all, religious houses embody the inclusive love of God. This love is unconditional and universal, reaching out to every individual regardless of their social status, background, or beliefs. Offering a meal to everyone who enters symbolizes the breaking down of barriers and the creation of a space where everyone is valued and respected. It is a tangible way of showing that in the eyes of God, all are equal and deserving of love and care.

In Religious houses, the mundane tasks of serving, washing, and cleaning transcend their ordinary nature to become spiritual acts of devotion. These acts create a sense of unity and equality that extends far beyond the dining table, inspiring all to engage in selflessness. Therefore, in a Salesian community, for example, at Bandel Church—a Basilica and the oldest Church in Bengal—this tradition can begin. The ‘free kitchen’ operated by religious institutions and their members is not just about feeding the hungry; it is a means of dedicating oneself to tending to pilgrims and visitors, embodying the spirit of Athytya Seva (service to guests).

Human Solidarity

Moreover, the hospitality practiced in religious houses fosters human solidarity. It emphasizes the shared humanity of all people and the interconnectedness of the human family. In a world often divided by differences, the simple act of sharing a meal serves as a powerful reminder of our common bond. It reinforces the idea that we are all part of one body, as articulated in 1 Corinthians 12:12-27, where Paul describes the Church as one body with many members, each essential and honored.

Practical Expressions of Devotion

The offering of a meal in religious houses is not merely a charitable act; it is a profound expression of faith. It represents the practical application of spiritual principles in everyday life. By providing nourishment to the body, religious houses also nurture the soul, creating an environment where guests can experience the love and peace of God. This practice reflects the holistic approach to ministry, where physical and spiritual needs are met in harmony.

A Witness to the World

The hospitality shown in Christian religious houses also serves as a powerful witness to the broader community. It exemplifies the teachings of Christ in action and invites others to experience the transformative power of divine love. This witness can inspire others to adopt similar practices of hospitality and compassion in their own lives, creating a ripple effect that extends far beyond the walls of the religious house.

The concept of universal kinship should be practiced earnestly, and a community kitchen (e.g. Langar in Sikhism) serves as the most vivid illustration of this principle. The langar extends beyond mere dining; it holds doctrinal significance encompassing social engagement, collective involvement, and communal obligation. It is a tangible demonstration of hospitality that provides sustenance to the hungry, assists the less fortunate, and fosters selfless acts of societal assistance.


In conclusion, the divine grace of hospitality in Christian religious houses is a profound and multifaceted expression of devotion. It embodies the teachings of Christ, manifests divine love, fosters human solidarity, and serves as a practical expression of faith. By welcoming all who enter with a simple meal, religious houses not only meet physical needs but also provide a powerful witness to the love and grace of God. In doing so, they create a space where every individual can experience the transformative power of hospitality, making it clear that in the realm of divine love, all are welcome and valued. Hospitality in religious settings is not just an act; it’s a testament to our shared humanity and an embodiment of our spiritual devotion. It must be a  basic component of religious living,  firmly ingrained in its charitable ethos. It’s a reminder that in giving we receive, and in serving others, we serve the divine.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

“St. Antony’s Bread”



Today we celebrate the feast of St. Anthony of Padua. He is a beloved saint and favourite miracle worker for those of us who have lost items. Many participated in special novena with gifting of bread at his feet. I hope that these nine days of praying with St. Anthony of Padua were inspiring and special.

I was intrigued today while reflecting on ‘bread’ that is so much associated with popular devotion to St. Antony. For the last nine days collections are being made for buying bread to be given to the people. Others bring bread on 13th June itself to be offered to St. Antony and through him to the needy. While few others bring bread to be blessed by St. Antony and be taken home to be consumed. There is certain superstition around this bread-ritual associated with the Saint.

What is the Significance of St. Antony’s Bread? St. Antony’s Bread, a tradition rooted in devotion and compassion, and which holds a special place in the hearts of believers needs to be explored in its origins, symbolism, and enduring impact.

Looking back to its origins and tradition, “St. Antony’s Bread” traces back to an incident in 1888 in Toulon, France. Louise Bouffier, a baker, found herself unable to unlock her bakery door. Desperate, she prayed to St. Anthony of Padua for help, promising to give bread to the poor if her door opened. Miraculously, the door yielded, and Louise fulfilled her promise by distributing bread to those in need. Inspired by this event, Louise’s friends adopted the practice, and it soon became formalized as “St. Anthony’s Bread.” On St. Anthony’s feast day (June 13), people bless loaves of bread and share them with others.

Therefore, the fact is, alms given to the poor for seeking St. Antony’s intercessions was known as “St. Antony’s Bread”.  It has a symbolic meaning. Bread symbolizes sustenance, nourishment, and community. Just as bread sustains our bodies, acts of charity sustain our souls. St. Antony’s Bread represents the interconnectedness of faith, compassion, and service. By sharing bread, we emulate St. Anthony’s love for the poor and hungry. It reminds us that Christ is present in the needy—the “least of these.” When we aid them, we serve Christ Himself.

The homemade bread in Europe especially in Italy is a common part of daily staple food besides Pasta and Spaghetti.  As for Indians ‘Onno’ means daily food, so too Bread is their daily ‘bread’ in the sense as we often say, “Give us our daily ‘bread’” in the prayer – Our Father. St. Antony was the son of a rich Knight in King’s palace in Portugal. But he renounced everything and lived poor for the sake of the poor. Where ever he went preaching, he helped the poor and fed the hungry. Like St. Francis of Assisi, he too donated whatever he could collect, to the poor. He is the patron of the poor and the needy. Superstitiously, this practice of feeding the poor and the hungry by St. Antony has turned into collecting of bread to be distributed to the poor. Bread is not the staple food of poor Indians. They need rice, dal and Sabjees. St. Antony would have certainly given the staple ‘food’ that the hungry in India eat, and certainly not bread!

I was moved when I came across this quote by St. Anthony: Today Christ stands at the door and knocks in the person of his poor. It is to him that we open when we give aid, when we give ourselves to those in need. For he tells us plainly, ‘Just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.  It was a long time ago that St. Anthony said this, but it is still true today. Christ is still standing at the door, knocking. We only need to watch or read the news to understand how much our world needs these powerful words. It must be continuously inspiring daily and weekly so that resources provided by us, respond to our world's needs.

St. Antony’s legacy has to continue.  Abandoning one’s will  and follow the Gospel of Christ was the guiding principle of Saint Anthony of Padua's life. Like the call of Prophets, God summoned him to a constant renewed purposes in His mission. With calls within a call, Anthony answered with enthusiasm and selflessness to serve Jesus in the poor and the oppressed which I wouldn’t dare take up. St. Antony, like St. Francis of Assisi, dedicated his life to helping the poor. His intercession is sought for lost items, healing, and assistance. While the original tradition involved bread, its spirit extends beyond literal loaves. It encompasses any act of kindness, generosity, or selflessness. St. Antony’s Bread encourages us to open our hearts and doors to those in need. Christ still stands at our doors, knocking through the poor and marginalized.

What can we do today?  In our troubled world, St. Antony’s message remains relevant. Poverty, hunger, and suffering persist. We must respond by sharing our resources, time, and love. St. Antony’s Bread inspires us to be Christ’s hands and hearts. Let us continuously seek ways to serve, remembering that every act of kindness echoes St. Antony’s legacy. In short, St. Antony’s Bread transcends superstition; it embodies compassion, faith, and solidarity. "As we break our daily bread together in families and at the Eucharist, may we also break down barriers and build a world where no one goes hungry or unnoticed."


AN OPEN LETTER TO SMT. MAMATA BANERJEE The Chief Minister, cum the Health and Police Minister of W. Bengal

Smt. Mamata,   In an earlier open letter, I congratulated you for taking oath for the past consecutive terms as the Chief Minister of B...